Rebecca Eeley and Amy Smith tackle the issue of holidays in the context of furlough

16th April, 2020

In two videos in our 9SJS Employment Insights Series, Rebecca Eeley and Amy Smith focus on the key questions on the topic of holiday in furlough. 

They address such questions as:

  • Do employees placed on furlough continue to accrue annual leave entitlement during the period for which they are furloughed?
  • Can an employee take holiday whilst on furlough?
  • Can an employer require an employee to take annual leave whilst on furlough leave? And, if so, does this only apply to the statutory element?
  • At what rate would holiday be paid to employees under furlough: 100% or 80% of normal pay?

Check out the video on our Employment Insights page, or on our YouTube Channel via

Stay tuned for our next video which will focus on issues such as the interaction between furlough and notice periods.

If you have any questions for our Employment Team to answer on our videos, please email

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