Stefan Brochwicz-Lewinski and Louise Quigley answer key questions on furlough

8th April, 2020

The word 'furlough' has never been used more frequently than in the last few weeks. However, there has been a lot of uncertainty regarding how it works and how it impacts on employment rights.

The 9SJS Employment Team are here to provide their insights. In their recent video, Stefan Brochwicz-Lewinski and Louise Quigley have provided answers to key questions on furlough.

They answer questions such as:

  • Can employees who have been on furlough by an employer seek alternative employment elsewhere?
  • Can Directors be furloughed?
  • Does an employee who is furloughed transfer pursuant to a Transfer of Undertakings Regulations or not?  

and more.

Check out the video on our Employment Insights page, or on our YouTube Channel via

Stay tuned for our next video which will focus on holiday leave and furlough.

If you have any questions for our Employment Team to answer on our videos, please email

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