21st March, 2013

Employment Lecture Series Spring 2013

Organiser: Julie Graham
Email: julie.graham@9sjs.com

The 9 St John Street Team are proud to announce their Lecture Series for Spring 2013.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Litigation and the new Tribunal Rules


Nigel Grundy and Rachel Wedderspoon

Nigel and Rachel will discuss the effects of the new Tribunal rules on running and defending claims in the tribunal

Thursday 2 May 2013

Contesting "Disabled" status under the Equality Act 2010

Brian McLuggage

Brian will review the thorny question of "disability" and consider how both case law and evidence can be marshalled to challenge an assertion of disability. It will be just as useful for claimants looking to bolster their case as for respondents looking to challenge disabled status.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Reviewing recent EU Law and its impact in the UK

Professor Stephen Hardy

Stephen will review recent EU case law and discuss the relevance of UK Employment Law.

Thursday 11 July 2013

TUPE in practice

Joanne Woodward and Stefan Lewinski

Joanne and Stefan will provide a case law update and discussion on this developing area of law.

Our Lectures usually become fully booked quickly. to reserve your place on any of the talks which will be held in Chambers, can you please email julie.graham@9sjs.com

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