6th May, 2020

Large Loss Personal Injury (Zoom Webinar)

Organiser: Joe Gibson
Email: joe.gibson@9sjs.com
Tel: 0161 955 5161
Cost: £65 + VAT


Chambers is looking forward to delivering a first class Live Webinar via Zoom. 

This Large Loss Webinar is a multi-speaker event which is aimed at covering a much ground in the realm of large loss litigation as possible.

Topics covered and speakers will be: 

- Expert accident reconstruction evidence - Dr Paul Fiddler 

- Definitions of a mild TBI and prolonged post concussion syndrome symptoms - Dr Katherine Dawson 

- Vicarious tort liability in 2020 - Mr James Hurd

- The discount rate and multipliers - Mr Chris Taft 

- Life expectancy evidence - Mr Russell Dickinson 

- s.69 of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 - an update - Mr Michael O'Neil 

- RTA update including pedestrian and contributory negligence cases- Ms Elizabeth Murray 

- Post Concussion Syndrome - a litigation perspective - Ms Amy Rollings 

Please click here to view the full details of our Personal Injury Large Loss Webinar on the 6th May 2020.

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