Photo of Leanne Jones

Leanne Jones

Year of call 2008, Middle Temple  

Areas of Expertise
Insurance Fraud, Personal Injury

Personal Injury: Band 3
"Leanne is a brilliant advocate which is contributed to by her forensic approach to preparation, whether it is for a conference with clients or at trial. As an advocate, she is able to adapt her style to the type of case, which is why she is so effective."

Legal 500 2025

"She is meticulous and thorough, with excellent knowledge and experience, particularly on defendant credit hire work. Very flexible and adapts to dynamic situations extremely well. Very client-focused."

Legal 500 2023

"Leanne has an excellent grasp of the law and her sharp analytical thinking and strong communication skills allow her to deliver a strong performance in court. She fights hard for her clients."

Legal 500 2021


Leanne joined Chambers in 2022, having previously practised on the Wales and Chester Circuit, where she was recognised for her approachable down to earth manner and impressive advocacy skills. Leanne is recognised by the Legal 500 as a ‘Leading Junior’ and has quickly established a strong client base on the Northern Circuit.

Leanne started her life in the legal sector working at a national solicitors. Due to this experience she fully understands the stresses, strains and constraints that are often put on the instructing solicitor and is able to work with them to minimise this. Leanne invites instruction at an early stage and is happy to take a collaborative approach to cases as they progress.

Leanne practises in all areas of personal injury and accepts instructions on behalf of both Claimants and Defendants. She has a busy and varied practice including road traffic accidents (being routinely instructed to act for Defendants in cases alleging fraud), occupiers' liability, employers' liability, product liability and highway claims. Leanne undertakes work for both Claimants and Defendants in personal injury cases involving assault. Leanne is also routinely instructed on cases involving the Motor Insurers’ Bureau.



Leanne has a busy multi-track personal injury practice. She regularly accepts instructions in cases with a value of £50,000 to £500,000. Leanne is often instructed early in such matters, to provide advice in conference pre-proceedings, draft pleadings and advise on liability and quantum at an early stage.

Recent examples include:

SG v A – Leanne attended a conference with the Defendant’s medical experts in a widespread pain condition case. Following which she was able to advise her instructing solicitors, resulting in early settlement of the case.

B v N – Leanne advised a client in a particularly sensitive Traumatic Brain Injury case. Due to Leanne’s pragmatic advice the client received a reasonable settlement sum, despite there being significant evidential issues.

B v P – Leanne advised in conference and drafted a schedule of loss for a Claimant who suffered the “Terrible Triad Injury of the elbow”, shoulder fractures, a severely fractured jaw and significant dental injuries.


Leanne has developed a specialist insurance fraud practice. Leanne is regularly instructed by Defendants to expose possible dishonesty in a case. Leanne is a robust and tactical trial advocate who draws out inconsistencies and improbabilities in any given case.

Recent examples include:

D v B & Others - Leanne represented the third Defendant in a 2 day employers liability trial. After exposing several of the Claimant’s untruths through cross examination, Leanne secured a finding of Fundamental Dishonesty. The Claimant was ordered to pay £56,500 in costs.

N v E – Leanne secured a finding of Fundamental Dishonesty in a low velocity impact case. The Defendant had significant concerns over the legitimacy of the Claimant’s alleged injuries. She had not attended hospital or her GP following the accident, which she sought to suggest was down to not wishing to waste NHS resources. Leanne was able to disprove this through cross examination on the medical records. Particularly the entries during the prognosis period where the Claimant went to her GP with very minor issues. The Claim was dismissed and the Claimant personally ordered to pay the Defendant’s costs.

M v P – Leanne secured the dismissal of the Claimant’s claim by drawing out in cross examination the significant differences in the various accounts the Claimant had given of his injuries. After undertaking a forensic examination of medical records Leanne also cross examined the Claimant as to why he had failed to disclose relevant pre-existing injuries to the medical experts. The Judge held that the Claimant had not proven that he was injured as claimed and the case was dismissed.


Leanne has a varied Claimant and Defendant practice in this area, including cases where assault is alleged.

Recent examples include:

B v W – Leanne advised the Defendant in conference on a high value case involving potential Fundamental Dishonesty on the part of the Claimant employee. Following which a successful ‘drop hands offer’ was made, saving the Defendant a significant amount of costs.

S v S – Leanne advised and drafted Particulars of Claim in an assault at work case involving a teacher. The Claimant suffered significant injuries including a concussive head injury, permanent scarring and fractures.


Leanne acts for both Claimants and Defendants in claims brought under the 1957 and 1984 Acts.

Recent examples include:

M v B – Leanne represented the Defendant at a 2 day trial centred around an alleged raised manhole cover on a building site. Through skilful cross examination on the inconsistencies and inadequacies in evidence, Leanne secured the dismissal of the Claim.


Leanne has delivered many seminars in a number of areas of personal injury law. She has also taken part in mock trials and workshops for instructing solicitors, providing practical advice and helpful feedback. Leanne enjoys meeting her instructing solicitors and is happy to discuss training needs upon request.

Scholarships and Prizes

Benefactors Scholarship Award, Middle Temple


Member of Personal Injury Bar Association


LLB (Hons) Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham Law School)
BPTC, Nottingham Law School

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