15th August, 2023

Major law firm defeated in all High Court claims against former directors - Paul Gilroy KC for the defendants

Paul Gilroy KC was instructed to represent Mark Montaldo, the former Head of Litigation at CEL Solicitors and his colleague Thomas Blanchfield in their successful defence of High Court proceedings brought by CEL. CEL made a number of serious allegations against both defendants including breach of fiduciary duty, misuse of confidential information, breach of restrictive covenants and unlawful means conspiracy. CEL sought springboard relief, injunctive relief, an account of profits and damages.

Paul was successful in defending all claims against both defendants.

A big thank you to Dan Rubin and Rachel Yorke at Knights Solicitors and to Nighat Sahi at RSW Law for their excellent support throughout these proceedings.

A copy of the Judgment can be accessed by clicking here.


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