27th April, 2012

Sport Resolutions appoints child safeguarding experts Gillian Irving KC and Sara Lewis to its panel of arbitrators

Sport Resolutions has appointed Gillian Irving KC and Sara Lewis to its panel of arbitrators dealing with child safeguarding issues.

Executive Director Ed Procter said "Sport Resolutions has worked closely with the NSPCC's Child Protection in Sport Unit to put together a distinguished pool of child safeguarding experts who will be available to support the work of sports organisations in keeping children safe in sport".

Governing bodies will be able to gain access to experts via Sport Resolutions with immediate effect, to independently chair and sit on their disciplinary and appeal panels, and to undertake independent investigations. This follows a comprehensive review of the case management of child safeguarding concerns in sport, led by the NSPCC, which found that governing bodies need more expert help in undertaking investigations and in managing and hearing serious and complex disciplinary issues.

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