Alistair is an accomplished barrister with over thirty year’s experience at the Bar. He specialises in Personal Injury work and has carved out a specialism in Equestrian issues and associated litigation - an area he enjoys, having many years of experience of equestrian activities as a recreational hobby.
He is recognised for his client friendly manner and has a genuine enthusiasm for his practice area and this is reflected in the passion and professionalism he brings to each instruction.
Alistair has previously qualified and practiced as a Barrister and Solicitor of New Zealand and then a Solicitor of England and Wales. Although he is considerate and empathetic to his clients, he can be a truly robust advocate when required. He also understands the stresses and strains facing the instructing solicitor and how to navigate these in his clients’ best interests.
Alistair Bower specialises in Personal Injury litigation having a broad experience of cases involving employers liability, industrial diseases, public liability and road traffic accidents.
His practice includes a good balance of both Claimant and Defendant work. He regularly undertakes cases on behalf of Local Authorities in public liability and employers liability claims.
In road traffic cases involving allegations of fraud he has experience of LVI cases, staged accidents and exaggerated claims.
He also accepts instructions in all aspects of travel law.
In industrial disease related claims he has experience of asbestos related claims, exposure to fumes, deafness and RSI claims.
Alistair's practice is mainly civil litigation based. He receives instructions in contract matters. His practice is complimented by experience in Coroners inquests, Health and Safety and Trading Standards matters.
Personal Injury Bar Association
LLB Hons University of Leeds
Mr Alistair Bower is a practising barrister, who is regulated by the Bar Standards Board. Details of information held by the BSB about Mr Alistair Bower can be found here.
Mr Alistair Bower's clerks will happily provide no obligation quotations for all legal services that he provides. Their contact details can be found here. It is most common for Mr Alistair Bower to undertake any Court, Tribunal and Coroner Court services work for a brief fee plus refresher days. For advisory work, paperwork and conferences it is most commonly charged at an hourly rate although fixed fees are available. Conditional Fee Agreements will be considered in cases with favourable prospects of success. Mr Alistair Bower will typically return paperwork within 10-14 days, however professional commitments, complexity and volume of documentation can affect these approximate timescales.
Regulatory and Professional Discipline Group
Travel & International Personal Injury Law
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