Photo of Elliott Stenson

Elliott Stenson

Year of call 2021, Lincoln’s Inn  

Areas of Expertise
Employment, Special Education Needs

"Elliott was a pleasure to deal with. He was responsive and helpful. He was good with our witnesses who had not attended a Tribunal hearing before. He grasped the legal and factual issues quickly. He gave a clear view on prospects and he made a big contribution towards a great outcome for the business in this case."

Respondent solicitor


Elliott has established a successful practice in Employment and Commercial Law. He has a reputation as being a highly responsive, client-friendly advocate. His ability to understand the relevant issues and communicate a clear, coherent strategy to his clients is often commented on. His desire to achieve the best possible outcome for his clients makes him a popular junior in his areas of expertise. These qualities have led to a diverse range of court and tribunal work, including multi-day discrimination proceedings, drafting High Court Grounds of Appeal, representing thousands of claimants in financial product mis-selling claims, and instructions from the Cabinet Office on the Covid-19 Public Inquiry.

Outside of law, Elliott is a frustrated Tottenham Hotspur fan and enjoys playing football, gaming and keeping fit.



Elliott appears in the Employment Tribunal nationwide, acting for all clients in preliminary and final hearings. He also has a varied paper practice, ranging from drafting applications and statements of case to schedules of loss and skeleton arguments. His recent notable experiences include:

  • A preliminary hearing on a novel point of law concerning the application of limitation periods to breach of contract claims in the employment tribunal.
  • A hearing to determine the territorial jurisdiction of the Tribunal considering an employee based abroad.
  • Resisting a claim of unfair dismissal brought by an accountant raising whistleblowing complaints.
  • Representing an employee in a holiday pay claim concerning employer-prescribed annual leave and the application of Russell v Transocean International Resources Limited [2011] UKSC 57.
  • A two-day preliminary hearing on behalf of two volunteers on a committee to determine worker status, involving a church parish and an unincorporated member’s association.
  • A five-day unfair dismissal and discrimination claim including allegation of theft of tens of thousands of pounds.
  • Successfully representing a Trade Union in a Protective Award claim, the Tribunal finding that the union was recognised by conduct.

Before obtaining pupillage, Elliott completed his law masters at the University of Bristol, specialising in individual employment rights, which he passed with distinction.

Outside of academic studies, Elliott was employed as a legal rights advisor at Working Families, a national charity providing employment law advice to working parents. In doing so, he provided written and oral advice, conducted webinars, and appeared on BBC Radio and the Mayor of London's Employment Law Hub. Elliott provided guidance on discrimination, unfair dismissal, and flexible working. This small legal advice service won the Excellence In House award at the 2021 Law Society Awards.


Elliott has experience of a variety of finance and commercial claims, from cost and case management hearings to fast track and High Court trials. He has been involved in a number of financial product mis-selling claims in the High Court and County Court. His paper practice includes advising, and drafting across the range of commercial court work.

His notable work to date includes:

  • Representing over 6000 claimants in a joint Consumer Credit Act claim against eight defendants.
  • Representing 500 claimants in a Pre-Action Disclosure application.
  • Representing a partner in an unincorporated partnership in a breach of contract claim.
  • Advising on negligence claim against a government body for damage to commercial premises.

Prior to pupillage, Elliott had the opportunity to engage in civil work through the University of Bristol Law Clinic. He advised and assisted with various breach of contract and property disputes, drafted pre action correspondence and provided legal advice. When studying for the Bar, he specialised in commercial work, which involved drafting statements of case and opinions for various forms of commercial dispute.


Elliott was instructed by the Cabinet Office in the Covid-19 Public Inquiry. His work in drafting and research had been highly commended, resulting in instructions to assist senior members of Government and Number 10.

Elliott has conducted legal research for the UN Office on Drugs and Crime through Lawyers Without Borders. The purpose of this research was to assist with the training of prosecutors in Namibia tackling gender-based violence.

Complementing his other specialisms, Elliott has developed an education law practice. He has advised and represented local authorities on EHCP appeals and discrimination claims brought in the Special Educational Needs and Disability First Tier Tribunal.


Elliott is qualified for public access and accepts work directly from directors, HR professionals, and individuals in his areas of specialism.


Elliott is keen to support his clients wherever possible and has successfully delivered a series of talks and presentations to solicitors and HR professionals. He has successfully delivered training sessions on Trade Union recognition, strike action, and workplace stress. Elliott can consider training requests on a remote or in person basis, she welcomes further enquiries in this regard.


Scholarships and Prizes

Haldane Scholarship, Lincoln’s Inn
Excellency Scholarship, BPP Law School
Career Commitment Scholarship, BPP Law School


Employment Law Bar Association
Employment Lawyers Association


BA (Hons) Philosophy (King’s College London)
MA Law (University of Bristol)
Barrister Training Course (BPP Law School)

Prescribed Information

Elliott Stenson is a practising barrister, who is regulated by the Bar Standards Board. Details of information held by the BSB about Elliott can be found here.

Elliott’s clerks will happily provide no obligation quotations for all legal services that she provides. Their contact details can be found here. It is most common for Elliott to undertake Court and Tribunal work for either a fixed fee or brief fee plus additional refresher days. For advisory work, paperwork and conferences it is most commonly charged at an hourly rate, although fixed fees may be available depending on the circumstances. Elliott will typically return paperwork within 10-14 days, however professional commitments, complexity and volume of documentation can affect these approximate timescales. Shorter timescales can be accommodated, please notify Elliott’s clerk at the time of instructing if this is required.

Specialist Areas of Practice:


Special Education Needs

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