
Whilst Chambers looks to grow its membership organically we also invite applications for tenancy from experienced practitioners. Those applications should be addressed to our Chambers Manager, Miss Rachel Swift with covering letter and full C.V.


As a general principle, the strength of chambers is maintained and improved by taking on new tenants who have successfully completed twelve months pupillage in chambers.

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Chambers offers 24 mini-pupillages every year.

All applications received will be considered within 4 weeks of each deadline.

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Staff Vacancies

Chambers recognises the need to invest in its staff. The day-to-day administration of chambers is undertaken by a diligent clerking team and a network of support staff.

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9SJS Access Award

We want to encourage as many people as possible, from a variety of different backgrounds, to consider the Bar as a viable career choice. To that end, we are delighted to be able to launch the 9SJS Access Award.

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