Photo of Edward Morgan KC

Edward Morgan KC

Year of call 1989, Bar of Northern Ireland 1999

Year of Silk 2021  

Areas of Expertise
Business and Property Group, Employment, Regulatory and Professional Discipline Group, Inquests & Public Inquiries, Mediation, Employment and Workplace Mediation

Employment: Ranked Legal 500 2025 Edition

Legal 500 2025

Ecclesiastical: Band 2 - Ranked Chambers and Partners 2024 Edition

Chambers and Partners 2024

Employment: Band 2
"Edward ticks every box in terms of client care and expertise."
"Edward is one of my go-to barristers, and has handled the most complex and challenging cases I have dealt with in recent years."
"Edward is an exceptional advocate, who always puts the client first. We never hesitate to instruct him."

Chambers and Partners 2024

Ecclesiastical Law: All Circuits
"Forensically intelligent and something of a polymath, he has a brain like an engine."

Chambers and Partners 2023

Employment (Northern Bar):
"Edward Morgan is forensically intelligent and has a brain like an engine. His clients know how user-friendly he is and he's quite academic too." "Edward is my number-one go-to. He's excellent at all times."

Chambers and Partners 2023

Employment (Northern Bar):
"The extent of his input during the course of the proceedings showed a huge personal commitment to the client."

Chambers and Partners 2022

Ecclesiastical Law: All Circuits
"A really smart man, who is very good at articulating the case in an understandable manner. He is very reassuring in his manner and the way he approaches things - he's just super."

Chambers and Partners 2022

"Has a broad employment practice and has handled a wide variety of NHS cases."

Legal 500 2022

Employment (Northern Bar):
"He is very intelligent and hard-working." "He has a very high-profile practice and is the go-to man for large organisations. " "He has shown stamina and commitment to getting the client to the best possible position." "Superb and in-depth knowledge of employment and regulatory law. Excellent with clients and a top-class advocate."

Chambers and Partners 2021

Ecclesiastical Law: All Circuits
"Extremely knowledgeable and a very strong advocate. He really knows his stuff."

Chambers and Partners 2021

Employment - Leading Junior
A brilliant advocate who excels with clients. ’

Legal 500 2020

Employment - Northern Bar
"His written and oral submissions are always excellent and his advocacy work is great. I would recommend him to anyone for dispute matters. He always has time for his clients, even when he's not in the office, and he puts the needs of his clients before his own." "His intellect is incredible and he has a photographic memory."

Chambers and Partners 2020

Ecclesiastical Law - All Circuits
"Has a superb knowledge of Catholic canon law." "Bright and incredibly knowledgeable, he is a trusted adviser whom it is a pleasure to work with."

Chambers and Partners 2020

Employment - ranked Tier 1:
"Very intelligent and hardworking."

Legal 500 2019

Employment - Northern (Bar): Leading Barrister (Band 1):
"Acute intelligence. He is a brilliant advocate who excels with clients." "Assured, empathetic and effective."

Chambers and Partners UK Bar 2019

Ecclesiastical Law - All Circuits: Leading Barrister (Band 2)
"An extremely able lawyer. He knows his stuff and is a master tactician."

Chambers and Partners UK Bar 2019

"Effective, resilient and a good advocate."

Chambers and Partners 2018

"He has a remarkable knowledge of the law."

Chambers and Partners 2018

"He has a real grasp of the issues, and he is approachable, good with clients and very quick to respond."

Chambers and Partners 2018

'Experienced across a panoply of employment matters.'

Legal 500, 2017

Experienced in handling professional discipline matters and related employment cases. He represents clients in Employment Tribunals and a range of disciplinary proceedings. "He is extremely good: very cerebral, very eloquent and very impressive."

Chambers & Partners 2017

"As an active advocate in the Employment Tribunal and High Court, Morgan has a diverse employment practice. His experience in commercial law gives him a particular focus on restrictive covenants, shareholder disputes, breach of fiduciary duties claims and pension-related issues. 'He is extremely knowledgeable and experienced.' 'He has acute intelligence. He is a brilliant advocate and he excels with clients.' "

Chambers and Partners 2017

"Experienced in representing the NHS."

Legal 500, 2016

"Covers a range of employment issues, such as restrictive covenants, breaches of fiduciary duties and shareholder disputes, large-scale terms and conditions-related claims and discrimination cases. 'His ability to cope with concerned clients and give them confidence is notable; he's got an air of gravitas.'"

Chambers and Partners 2016

"Experienced in employment-related company and commercial matters."

Legal 500 2014

"Draws on his commercial law experience when resolving complex employment claims in the public sector. He has a special expertise in canon law and religious discrimination."

Chambers & Partners 2014

"demonstrates considerable talent"

Legal 500 2013

"Edward Morgan is a barrister of 'acute intelligence' who 'excels with clients.' His 'innate understanding of how businesses are run' makes him a popular choice amongst solicitors. He has a niche interest in employment matters relating to ministers of religion and religious discrimination."

Chambers & Partners 2013

"is a 'highly capable advocate'."

Legal 500 2012


Legal 500, 2011

"Treads the border between commercial and employment law with great facility"

Legal 500 2008

"Observers underlined the commercial grasp and detailed knowledge of the subject shown by Edward Morgan."

Chambers & Partners 2007


Corporate liability and Directors' duties
Professional Regulation (Including Safeguarding)
Charities Governance and Compliance
Clinical Governance
Judicial Review
Confidentiality and Data Protection
Professional Negligence
Ecclesiastical Law
Contentious & Non-Contentious Employment matters
Canon Law
Education Law
Human Rights


Edward Morgan KC

Ed Morgan's private law High Court practice has particular emphasis upon those areas of litigation within which internal governance and regulatory laws converge. These include obligations of Charitable Trustees, director responsibilities; breach of fiduciary duties and related restitution claims; shareholder disputes; restrictive covenants; confidentiality; and passing off. Mediator and Arbitrator appointments are also accepted in these areas.

In the regulatory field, his experience is extensive, ranging from issues of internal regulatory compliance (charity compliance, local government, safeguarding, education, healthcare) to external private and public law litigation. Ed has considerable experience in the conduct of public law proceedings (judicial review) on behalf of public bodies and government departments. He is regularly instructed to undertake internal audit compliance and/or regulatory reviews in these areas.

Ed has extensive experience of all forms of Employment Law (contentious and noncontentious) ranging from multiple claimant actions arising out of harmonisation of terms and conditions in the Financial Services Sector and discrimination claims within public services sectors to pre-emptive advice in connection with the public sector procurement arrangements. He has undertaken numerous internal regulatory investigations in these areas.

Ed is a regular speaker on employment law and regulatory matters.

For many years, he has conducted large and heavy scale employment litigation in a number of specialist sectors requiring detailed awareness of regulatory frameworks, and professional conduct regimes. These have also led to appointment to Chair of internal processes and/or to Report upon wider institutional governance issues. These have included Clinical Regulation, Education and Specialist training of doctors, Private Sector Healthcare provision, conduct of regulatory intervention in the legal profession, the status, regulation of Charities and related personnel, internal regulation and discipline within faith communities, and safeguarding and corporate governance. He has conducted inquests in which Art 2 ECHR has been engaged.

His expertise in canon law has given rise to a wide range of instructions and the conduct of internal investigations and litigation in other jurisdictions. Such instructions have included the resolution of significant property trust related issues (i.e. temporal goods) and the restructuring of public juridic bodies.

Ed’s extensive regulatory experience has led to frequent instructions to advise upon and represent clients in public law proceedings, including judicial review.



  • Reddy v GMC [2012] EWCA Civ 310
  • Thorneycroft v NMC [2014] EWHC 1565 (Admin)
  • Chawla v Northamptonshire University Hospitals [2016]
  • Jackson v County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust [2017]
  • Ilango v Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust [2018]
  • Vishwanath v Health Education England and ors [2022]
  • Moon v Lancashire NHS Foundation Trust [2022]
  • Tattersall v NHS England [2023] EWHC (Admin)
  • Worrall v Future Directions CIC [2023]
  • Re Regulatory Body [2023] (Powers of Intervention of Regulator)


  • A v B and Anor [2010] EWCA Civ 316
  • Anderson v Chesterfield College [2015] UKEAT
  • Ham v Beardwood College [2015] UKEAT
  • Re Independent School- Challenge to Ofsted Inspection in relation to matters of governance and safeguarding. [2022]
  • Re Inquest Touching Upon the death of a Pupil [2021]
  • Re Inquest Touching Upon the death of a Pupil – Art 2 ECHR [2022]


  • Fulton & Baxter v Bear Scotland [2014]
  • Harrison v Preston BC and Driver [2003]
  • Dynamex Friction Ltd and Anor v Amicus and Anor [2008] EWCA Civ 381
  • QLog Ltd v O’Brien [2014]
  • Shinwari v Vue Entertainment [2015]
  • Hoppe v HMRC and ors [2021]
  • Clarke v Lisburn and Castlereagh Council [2022]
  • Hancock v Warrington and Halton NHS Trust [2023]


  • IICSA - Advising in relation to participation in Public Inquiry and provision of witness statements in relation to matters of historic sexual abuse [2020-2021]
  • Member of the Elliott Review - Sub-Committee concerning internal regulation and accountability of religious ministers in relation to safeguarding [2020].
  • Re Faith Charity - Internal Investigation and audit report following prevention of future death reports [2021]
  • Re National Charity - Appointed to conduct independent investigation into safeguarding procedures and the handling of complaints against senior personnel.
  • Re Professional Regulator - Advising a clinical regulator in relation to the evidential threshold for proceedings in the context of public inquiry and pending criminal investigation.


  • Church of Wales v Brooks [2016]
  • Hollis and Ors v Rolfe and Ors [2008] EWHC 1747 (Ch)
  • Re St Peter’s Prestbury [2013] Chester Const. Ct
  • X v United Reformed Church [2016]
  • Madden v Jamison and Ors [2020] EWHC 446
  • Grabe v United Reformed Church [2022]
  • Re Religious Order [2023-2024] – Charitable Governance and Divesting of Temporal Goods.


  • Tattersall v NHS England [2023] EWHC (Admin)
  • Re Government Agency – decisions in respect of Modern Slavery Act 2015 [2023]
  • Re Government Agency – decisions concerning restructure of rail network [2023]
  • Re Devolved Government – Policy concerning regulation of Residential Lettings [2023]
  • R (FH) v SSHD [2023] EWHC (Admin) (Modern Slavery and NRM)

    Ed is presently instructed in relation to the Rwanda litigation.


[2022] Re A Faith Charity: Investigation of potential financial irregularities and breach of fiduciary duty on the part of senior ecclesiastical personnel. Matter identified in consequence COVID related financial audit. Mandated to investigate and report upon (i) the duties and obligations of key personnel; (ii) identification of susceptible transactions; (iii)formulation of plan of action in respect of prospective recovery on behalf of charity; (iv) system and governance review/ recommendations concerning the issues identified and the measures necessary to enhance financial procedures. Process required extensive interviews of witnesses, the drafting of initial and final correspondence for onward transmission to the Charity Commission and other Regulators.

[2022] Re .Com Health Services Company: Investigation following attempted removal of CEO and hostile takeover by institutional shareholder. Review of extensive documentation comprising strategic email and related correspondence on the part of members of the board. In excess of 30 interviews conducted. Mandated to report upon (i) the cause of the boardroom fracture; (ii) the part played by key individuals; (iii) the role of external advisors; (iv) conflicts of interest and corporate governance; (v) potential breaches of fiduciary duties and grounds for regulatory action and disclosure.

[2023] Re. Network Provider: Investigation into relational difficulties between individual employee and senior management personnel of employer and related corporate entities. The difficulties had spanned several years, with repeated allegations of bullying, harassment, victimisation, discrimination and non-compliance with policies and procedures. The purpose of the investigation was to scrutinise the detail of the interaction which had occurred and its implications for future working relationships and/or policy review.

[2023] Re. Religious Body: Conduct of an urgent investigation arising out of pastoral conflict between local members of the faith denomination. The work required interviewing of key players in the conflict, provision of a detailed Canonical Report identifying the means of resolution and subsequent correspondence for the implementation of the strategy which had been identified.

[2023] Re Professional Regulator: Conduct of an appeal and compilation of subsequent Report arising from allegations of discrimination, bullying and harassment against senior executive. Target of complaint not holding an employee position. The Investigation was undertaken to a tight timescale in line with the employer’s internal policy; whilst requiring detailed disclosure of additional documentation not previously provided to the complainant employee. The Investigation and subsequent Report had the potential to adversely impact upon continuing professional relationships at a key stage of the Regulator’s external development.

[2023] Re A Company: Investigation and Reporting upon a Company’s due diligence arrangements concerning Directors' fit and proper person status, professional development and corporate governance. This involved interviews across the organisation and the compilation of a Report preparatory to a Capital Funding exercise.

[2023] Re Safeguarding: Conduct of investigation and co-authoring of an extensive and detailed operational Report relative to the handling of safeguarding concerns. The process arose following the death of a person implicated in a safeguarding concern. At the resultant inquest, HM Coroner issued a prevention of future death report. Appointed to formulate a systemic operational response and lessons learnt report on behalf of the relevant faith organisation. The work was undertaken with a member of the House of Lords.

Re A Council: Commissioned to compile a governance review following extensive conflict between Chief Officers. The Report identified governance related management and training issues intended to insulate the Council (and its officers) against future legal challenge and adverse scrutiny.

[2023] Re Religious Body: Conduct of Investigation into complaints regarding interaction between senior operational officers and safeguarding personnel.

[2024] Re A Charity: Extensive Corporate Governance Review in relation to Charity and connected commercial entities. Audit of compliance, reporting (SORP and FRS 102) and scrutiny of Trustee obligations.

[2024] Denominational Charity: Corporate Governance, Review and Recommendations concerning the wholesale revision of internal regulatory proceedings applicable to ministers and other office holders within the denomination.

[2024] Re Educational Charity: Ed is instructed to undertake a constitutional review and implementation Report of a national institution. This work is continuing.


"The Canonical Directory for Clergy" (CTS, London)
Contributor to the Encyclopaedia of Employment Law (Sweet & Maxwell)
Contributor to "The Confluence of Law and Religion" (Cambridge, 2016)
“Fathers and Brothers - Legitimate Expectation of Diocesan Clerics in the light if c384 CIC”  (Peeters, Leuven, 2018)
“Leading Works in Law and Religion” (ed  Sandberg, Routledge, 2018) 




Fee-Paid Employment Judge (2000)
Judge to the Diocese of Salford
Fellow of the Centre for Law and Religion, University of Cardiff
Fellow of the Institute of Arbitrators
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Visiting Professor at the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven


Employment Law Bar Association,
Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland,
Canon Law Society of America.


LLB - (Hons) Law, University of Central Lancashire,
LLM - University of Leicester,
JCL - Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven,
JCD - Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven,
PhD - Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven.

Prescribed Information

Dr Edward Morgan is a practising barrister, who is regulated by the Bar Standards Board. Details of information held by the BSB about Dr Morgan can be found here

Dr Morgan's clerks will happily provide no obligation quotations for all legal services that he provides. Their contact details can be found here. It is most common for Dr Morgan to undertake advocacy (Court, Tribunal, Mediations, Arbitrations appearances) work for a fixed brief fee plus refreshers and expenses.  For advisory work (e.g. conferences, drafting of work) fees are most commonly charged at an hourly rate.  

Work undertaken as Arbitrator or Mediator is charged upon a fixed fee basis determined in advance and supplemented by an additional hourly rate agreed where the anticipated duration of the mediation or arbitration is exceeded.  Dr Morgan does not undertake work upon a conditional fee or damages based fee basis. Dr Morgan will typically return paperwork within 10 days, however professional commitments, complexity and volume of documentation can affect these approximate timescales. Precise timescales will be identified and agreed in advance of the work being undertaken.

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